Easy Feed Creator (EFC)

Tags: feed | php | software | tool

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The Easy Feed Creator (EFC) is a simple application for people, who want to put up a RSS news feed just with a few clicks.

Required is a webhost running PHP5. Virtually no configuration is necessary. Read more for additional information and screenshots.



The introduction of Google Reader has made the RSS (Real Simple Syndication) news feeds even more attractive. It allows to subscribe to news feeds an share single posts with other users.

But what if you don't have a content management system, which can create feeds, and you want to create your own channel on the web, share information, images or links with other people?

The Easy Feed Creator addresses this problem and allows to put up a RSS channel which can be easily administrated through a web interface. You can post, edit, delete articles and update the channel information. The application creates news feeds following the RSS v2.0 specification. RSS 2.0 feeds can be interpreted by nearly any news reader available on the internet.

It has a build in security layer to prevent unauthorized access. The password can be changed in the source code.



web space with php5

(click to enlarge)



How Firefox interprets the feed